Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Can sports injuries be prevented?
Certainly not all injuries can, but many can be. Through proper training, equipment, planned recovery breaks and avoiding overuse patterns, kids can enjoy an injury free playing career. Read more here
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Boot Camps to continue to be strong in 2009
According to the American Council on Exercise, boot camp group exercise classes will be the hottest "trend" for the new year. That's nothing new for those who are addicted to the ASF Boot Camps. I started one of Cincinnati's first boot camps in 2001. It was a hit back then and will only get more popular as people look for efficient, high-valued training programs.
Also of interest is the resurgence of kettlebell training. ASF has been using kettlebells from day one and love the fact that they are getting more and more popular. For more information on either boot camps or kettlebells, give us a ring!
Also of interest is the resurgence of kettlebell training. ASF has been using kettlebells from day one and love the fact that they are getting more and more popular. For more information on either boot camps or kettlebells, give us a ring!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
For people with asthma...
....the laws are changing effectively January 1, 2009. There will be a transition to new HFA inhalers. To learn more, please visit this free educational website.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Can genetics determine which sport your child will be good at?
The age of genetics is upon us...whether we use for good or bad is up to us. On a somewhat less ominous note, this is very interesting: New genetic test asks which sport a child was born to play
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
some pearls of wisdom....
Strength Grows Out of Struggle
by Napoleon Hill
Struggle is a clever device through which Nature compels Humanity to develop, expand, and progress.
Struggle is either an ordeal or a magnificent experience, depending on the attitude with which one approaches it. Success is impossible without it.
Life, from birth to death, is literally an unbroken record of ever-increasing, unavoidable struggle. Our education is cumulative—we get it a little at a time from every experience we encounter.
“Do the thing,” said Emerson, “and you shall have the power.”
“Meet struggle and master it,” says Nature, “and you shall have strength and wisdom sufficient for all your needs.”
The strongest trees of the forests aren’t those most protected but those that must struggle against other trees—and surmount them—for survival.
My grandfather was a wagon maker. In clearing his land for crops, he always left a few oaks standing in the open field where they were exposed to the full heat of the burning sun and the blasts of the wind.
As a result, these trees were far tougher than average. It was the timber from them that he used for wagon wheels, bending them into arc-shaped segments without fear they would break.
Struggle similarly toughens the human spirit for the buffeting of life. Most people go through life following the line of least resistance wherever a choice lies open to them. They fail to recognize that following the line of least resistance is what makes rivers crooked – and sometimes does the same for men.
Once we understand the broad purpose of life we become reconciled to the circumstances which force us to struggle. As a result, we accept struggle for what it is – opportunity.
The necessity for struggle forces us to move when we would otherwise stand still. And it leads us eventually to the full realization that success comes only through struggle.
Source: Success Unlimited. March, 1964. Vol. XI, No. 3. Pgs. 24 & 25.
by Napoleon Hill
Struggle is a clever device through which Nature compels Humanity to develop, expand, and progress.
Struggle is either an ordeal or a magnificent experience, depending on the attitude with which one approaches it. Success is impossible without it.
Life, from birth to death, is literally an unbroken record of ever-increasing, unavoidable struggle. Our education is cumulative—we get it a little at a time from every experience we encounter.
“Do the thing,” said Emerson, “and you shall have the power.”
“Meet struggle and master it,” says Nature, “and you shall have strength and wisdom sufficient for all your needs.”
The strongest trees of the forests aren’t those most protected but those that must struggle against other trees—and surmount them—for survival.
My grandfather was a wagon maker. In clearing his land for crops, he always left a few oaks standing in the open field where they were exposed to the full heat of the burning sun and the blasts of the wind.
As a result, these trees were far tougher than average. It was the timber from them that he used for wagon wheels, bending them into arc-shaped segments without fear they would break.
Struggle similarly toughens the human spirit for the buffeting of life. Most people go through life following the line of least resistance wherever a choice lies open to them. They fail to recognize that following the line of least resistance is what makes rivers crooked – and sometimes does the same for men.
Once we understand the broad purpose of life we become reconciled to the circumstances which force us to struggle. As a result, we accept struggle for what it is – opportunity.
The necessity for struggle forces us to move when we would otherwise stand still. And it leads us eventually to the full realization that success comes only through struggle.
Source: Success Unlimited. March, 1964. Vol. XI, No. 3. Pgs. 24 & 25.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
exercise can make kids smarter?
We know it makes you more physically fit, but can it make you more intellectually fit? Read more to find out
Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Nothing is impossible!
And if you say it is, you don't want it badly enough. Never say "CAN'T" and always say, "CAN". This is the story of Dick and Rick Hoyt with video from the Hawaii Ironman. Check this out...and then get off your ass.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Workout - June 29, 2008
Had the pleasure to train with one of the baddest mo-fo's around~Jim Kelly, who trains many of the Iraqi troops on combative techniques and co-owner of the Cincinnati Jiu Jitsu Academy. Here we go...
1. Hose Arm Bars [feet can't touch] - 5x + DB Single Arm Snatch - 5x/arm
2. Weighted Vest Sit outs - 20x + KB/Vest Front Squats [1.5 pood per arm] - 10x
3. Prowler Push - 70 yards + Backward Sled Drag - 70 yards
4. Barbell Bus Drivers - 10x + 45# rubber plate halos - 10x
5. Barbell Roll out - 10x + Stability Ball ABC Hip Thrusts [like a suplex] - 15x
6. Kneeling Tire Flip - 5x + Barbell/Band Single Arm Clean/Jerk - 5x/arm
Finished with some stairs and track work.
1. Hose Arm Bars [feet can't touch] - 5x + DB Single Arm Snatch - 5x/arm
2. Weighted Vest Sit outs - 20x + KB/Vest Front Squats [1.5 pood per arm] - 10x
3. Prowler Push - 70 yards + Backward Sled Drag - 70 yards
4. Barbell Bus Drivers - 10x + 45# rubber plate halos - 10x
5. Barbell Roll out - 10x + Stability Ball ABC Hip Thrusts [like a suplex] - 15x
6. Kneeling Tire Flip - 5x + Barbell/Band Single Arm Clean/Jerk - 5x/arm
Finished with some stairs and track work.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Workout - June 22, 2008
As usual, 6 stations x 5 minutes per station:
- Elbow plate crawl - 10 yards + Guard position alternating band row - 20x
- MB Single arm Push up hold - 5x/side + Band full Turkish get up - 5x/side
- BOSU Circles - 5x/direction + Chains/KB Backward Drag - 35 yards
- KB/Vest Front Squat - 1ox + KB/Vest Lunge Walk - 35 yards
- Alternating Hose Waves - 20x + KB Arm Bar - 5x/side
- DB Kneeling Tuck Jump - 5x + KB Chopper - 10x/side
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Firefighter's Circuit - Brutal!
ASF is home to 3 of 5 firefighters as they prepare to defend their #1 national ranking this year; check out some of their training....
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Combines overrated?
Does the Football Combine Predict Playing Ability?
By Dr. Michael Yessis
Click here to find the answer...Sunday, June 1, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Workout--May 10, 2008
Each of the following stations was done for 5 minutes....
Here is a video for that day...
- Hose Arm Bars--10x + Dragon Pushups--20x
- Stability Ball Skiers--20x + KB Turkish Get Up--5x/side
- KB Single Arm Band Swings--5x/side + Barbell Snatch--10x
- Med Ball Rotational Throws--10x/side + Prowler Push--70 yds
- Burpee Box Jump--5x + Lunge Jumps--20x
- Tire Sledge Hits--5x + Alternating hand tire touches--20x/hand
Here is a video for that day...
Monday, May 5, 2008
Workout--May 4,2008
Each pair of exercises lasts 5 minutes:
I have had a few people ask what the hell these exercises are, so I will be adding video footage in the coming posts....
BTW, this class is full; we are no longer accepting applications.
- Dragon Walk + 3 Dragon Push Ups every 10 yds
- Perpendicular kneeling MB rotational passes--10x/side + 300 yard shuttle
- Hose Fallout--5x + Chain Raise--10x
- Tire Clean/Overhead slam--10x + Band Push/Pull
- Sled Walk + KB Snatch every 10 yards
- Double KB Swing--5x + Double KB Front Squat--10x
I have had a few people ask what the hell these exercises are, so I will be adding video footage in the coming posts....
BTW, this class is full; we are no longer accepting applications.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Workout--April 27, 2008
Each grouping of two exercises was performed for 5 minutes, with 30 seconds between.
- Weighted [40#] Box Jump--5x + Weighted Lunge Walk--40 yds
- Tire Flip--5x + Sledgehammer Hits--5x
- Body Prop Walk--10 yds/direction + Prowler Push--70 yds
- Box Hose Push up--10x + Box Hose Rows--10x
- MB OH 300 yard shuttle + MB Shoulder Snaps--10x/side
- Sled Chest Press--40 yds + Sled Row--40 yds [both on rubber floor]
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
ASF and Sports Nutrition 2 Go on Fox News
Recently, Rob Williams stopped by to do a story on sweat loss and exercise. If you can't catch it live [Monday night at 10:00 pm], you can view it online:
Click on the "Measuring How Much Salt We Sweat" link
Click on the "Measuring How Much Salt We Sweat" link
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
502# Trap Bar Deadlift
Big Phe [6'6, 315] crushing the Trap bar for 3 solid reps with 502 pounds. Andrew will be playing in the Big 33 Classic next month, and then onto Miami University...
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Workout--April 6, 2008
If these workouts interest you and you enjoy pain, let me know and we can all sweat and bleed together! This is only open to serious inquiries; everyone else can stay in their air-conditioned, soft-rock, family-oriented, "fitness center"...
Here we go:
Here we go:
- Single-arm lateral push ups--10/side + Suitcase deadlifts--10/side [good one from EFS]
- Bradford presses--20x + Double KB Swings--5x
- Lo Prowler push + Hi Prowler push--40 yards each way
- Heavy MB vertical throws--5x + Sled runs--40 yards [did these two outside]
- Heavy tire flips--5x + Single-arm KB Clean/Jerk--5/side
- Colts shuttle run--40 yards + Single-arm KB Snatch w/ 5 yard walk--40 yards/arm
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Workout-March 23, 2008
3 rounds of the following:
- KB Single Arm Overhead lunge walk--10 yds/arm + KB Chopper--10/side
- Keiser Squat Chop--5/side + Box Jump-Depth Jump-kB Single arm Snatch--5/arm
- DB Forward lunge w/ overhead press--5/leg + 300 yard shuttle
- Double Purple band rotational hip snaps--10/side + Barbell rotational press--10/side
- Bench push up and catch--10x + Hose rows--10x
- Prowler push--35 yards lo/35 yards hi + Staggered stance MB Hip snaps--20/side.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Lakota lacrosse YouTube videos
Latest videos on YouTube are from the preseason conditioning training for the Lakota boys and girls lacrosse teams. You can access the boys team video here:
The girls video is not as long because I did not have as much time to shoot their training...sorry ladies!
Their video is here:
The girls video is not as long because I did not have as much time to shoot their training...sorry ladies!
Their video is here:
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Workout--February 10, 2008
3 rounds of the following:
Didn't have it today...what should've taken 30 minutes, ended up at 42 minutes.
- [10/side] Keiser Rotational Rows + [10/side] Keiser Step Back Rotational Chops
- [10/side] Barbell Rotational Press + [10/side] KB single arm band deadlifts
- [10/side] KB single arm band swings + [10] Box jumps
- [5/side] KB Snatch + [5/side] KB Split Jerks
- [10] Band Starts + [20 yard] Plate Drags
- [35 yard] Prowler Push + 300 yard shuttle
Didn't have it today...what should've taken 30 minutes, ended up at 42 minutes.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Workout--February 3, 2008
3 rounds of the following in under 30 minutes:
I felt my eggs come up a few times, but quickly swallowed them back down!!
- [10] DB burpees + [10] DB reactive box jumps
- [5] sledgehammer tire slams + [5] tire flips....320# tire
- [35 yards] 90# prowler push w/ 45# sled belt runs
- [5/arm] KB clean/jerk + [5/arm] KB snatch
- [5] band bulldogs + 70 yard sprints
- [5] KB speed swings + [5/arm] KB pulls
I felt my eggs come up a few times, but quickly swallowed them back down!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Workout-January 27, 2008
30 minutes or less...3 rounds of the following circuits :
I missed the cutoff by exactly one minute...I was pissed! Oh well, something to aim for next time...
- 5 Kneeling Box Jumps + 5 Band Squat Jumps + 10 Lunge Jumps
- 10 KB Leverage Presses + 10 KB Side Raises + 60 yards KB Farmers Walk
- 30 Band Speed Curls + 30 Band Speed Extensions
- 300 yd Shuttle + 50 Lateral Line Hops
- 5 KB Speed Swings + 50 Slam Ball Chops
- 5 straight minutes of Prowler Sprints
I missed the cutoff by exactly one minute...I was pissed! Oh well, something to aim for next time...
Friday, January 25, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
New training video
Here is a video of the Lakota United soccer team training at ASF....
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Workout-January 20, 2008
Try this workout in under 30 minutes...I barely made it today!
Do each of the following combinations for three rounds:
Remember MLK tomorrow: The man, not that you get the day off from work or school.
Do each of the following combinations for three rounds:
- [10] push ups + [10] inverted rows
- 35 yard sled press + 35 yard sled row
- [5/arm] Kettlebell Single arm swing + [5/arm] KB single arm snatch
- [5] Double KB swing + 35 yard prowler sprints
- [5] KB Speed Swing + [5] Box Jumps
- [5/side] KB Turkish get ups + [5] tire flips.
Remember MLK tomorrow: The man, not that you get the day off from work or school.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Welcome (1/17/08)

Welcome to the first Adrenaline Sports & Fitness blog...
- I am excited that we finally received two 24 kg [1.5 pood] kettlebells to torture our athletes and adults! I used them a little last night and almost took them to sleep with me because I loved them so much. Yes, I have issues.
- ASF will be running a baseball/softball strength and conditioning camp for 8-12 year olds starting in February. Please call Nigel at 779-1234 for more info.
- Finally, don't forget that we offer training for adults too. Boot Camps are every night at 6:30 pm and personal training runs all day and night. We will get the fastest results possible and have the most fun possible. Some parents even train the same time their kids train! Ask Tony how to get a free session of Boot Camp or Personal Training.
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