Saturday, February 16, 2008

Lakota lacrosse YouTube videos

Latest videos on YouTube are from the preseason conditioning training for the Lakota boys and girls lacrosse teams. You can access the boys team video here:

The girls video is not as long because I did not have as much time to shoot their training...sorry ladies!
Their video is here:

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Workout--February 10, 2008

3 rounds of the following:

  1. [10/side] Keiser Rotational Rows + [10/side] Keiser Step Back Rotational Chops
  2. [10/side] Barbell Rotational Press + [10/side] KB single arm band deadlifts
  3. [10/side] KB single arm band swings + [10] Box jumps
  4. [5/side] KB Snatch + [5/side] KB Split Jerks
  5. [10] Band Starts + [20 yard] Plate Drags
  6. [35 yard] Prowler Push + 300 yard shuttle

Didn't have it today...what should've taken 30 minutes, ended up at 42 minutes.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Workout--February 3, 2008

3 rounds of the following in under 30 minutes:
  1. [10] DB burpees + [10] DB reactive box jumps
  2. [5] sledgehammer tire slams + [5] tire flips....320# tire
  3. [35 yards] 90# prowler push w/ 45# sled belt runs
  4. [5/arm] KB clean/jerk + [5/arm] KB snatch
  5. [5] band bulldogs + 70 yard sprints
  6. [5] KB speed swings + [5/arm] KB pulls
I made it in 27 minutes...Machine Sellman made it in 15 freakin minutes!!!! Then puked 4 times!!!
I felt my eggs come up a few times, but quickly swallowed them back down!!